These daredevil hackers were insane, climbed to the top of Hong Kong skyscraper to hack the billboard!

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Hong Kong is the city of hustle and bustle. Skyscraper all over the city, and not to mention thousands of billboards cutting all corners of the city. All this to get the attention of people walking across the street.

A group of hackers decided to take advantage of these. These bunch of daredevils wanted to do something unique. Climbing to the top of the building. A slip off the roof, they will fall to their death. So they had an espionage mission to sneak to the rooftop and hack the system.

They risked their lives to do what? Hack a billboard? Crazy?

You must be thinking they were crazy. But after seeing the results, you will think it is kind of awesome.

This is Watch Dogs in real life. Except they couldn't do it from the group. They have to climbed all the way up.

screenshot from Watch Dogs 


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