He is the Greatest and Funniest Arcade Gamer Ever Lived!

By | 8:29 pm Leave a Comment
This arcade player from Thailand was enjoying the arcade game so much. Perhaps a little bit too much.

It's normal to witness some great arcade players when you pass by an arcade centres. They hold a gun and hit bullseye at every shot. And stayed at the top 3 high score ranking! Damn, how did they do it?

Rehearsal! It's the answer by this professional arcade player from a small town in Thailand. Watch him dodge the bullet from the screen. Ducked under the screen to avoid explosions. Shake the hand of an imaginary friend.

Akashima Dewkung instructing the NPC to move...Or should I say talking to an arcade machine?
When you first look at him, you must be thinking he had some mental or personality disorder. Wait, maybe he is 'living' in his own world like any other geeks do. Maybe a bit too much.

So who's this guy? His name is Akashima Dewkung, dubbed as the best arcade gamer in Thailand. Because of his shooting skills and rather exaggerated stunt, he became a YouTube sensation across Asia! Go check him out if you like.

Dewkung in Facebook

Hey, don't laugh! Can't you do it like he did? Maybe you can, but you won't. Well, at least he is a Youtube sensation now. Peace, shooter!


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