This guy has done a crazy stunt diving into exploding volcano

By | 10:18 pm 2 comments
Human have tried climbing up the top of the world. What about we try diving down the depths of the earth instead?

This is the question asked by Sam Cossman and George Kourounis. And it had been answered as they made their first move to dive into a hot boiling volcano. The first two human to ever touch down to a volcano crater. 

Sight of the boiling lava is simply amazing and scary at the same time.

The hot boiling volcano took place in Marum Crater which is located in the Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean. 

With the help of two volcanic pioneers, Geoff and Brad....these two explorer began their journey to the center of the Earth!

2 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. OMG. Don't try this at home kids. ;)

  2. Adults, don't try this at home too! Not without experts
