The New Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Drop Test and Bend Test Results!

By | 10:26 am Leave a Comment
The new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is set to release on October 17th and pre-order started on September 19th. From the way I see it, they are releasing this new phablet as a means to compete directly with iPhone 6 Plus.
Galaxy Note 4 as expected improved in terms of specs comparing to the previous predecessor. 5.7 inch Quad HD AMOLED display and 16mp camara. It has a display resolution of 2560 x 144.

This new phablet has upgraded processor of 2.7 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processer and 3GB RAM and also internal storage of 32GB. It's also equipped with an improvised version of S pen,

It is not enough to just look at the specs. We are always concern about the durability of this new phablet. Especially what we have noticed on the shocking bendgate experience in iPhone 6 Plus.

Hence, I have decided to gather two of these tests to prove if Galaxy Note 4 has better durability than iPhone 6 Plus.

We start with the Drop Test!

This was apparently a drop test video created by official team. So I am still doubting if the drop test was too good to be true. No scratches, no breaks. You sure about that? I decided to find another video by TechRax for some unbias review.

As expected, some scratches and slight cracks. Internal system was still fully functional. Overall it can probably survive a heavy drop for common users.

Now, let's continue with the Bend Test

Result was out. Unfortunately, Galaxy Note 4 did not survive a bend test. It does bend. However, it was not as severe as iPhone 6 Plus. So we can hope that at least it may not bend if you were to put it in your pocket for a long period of time.

If you would like to get the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4, it's really up to you if you can accept the drop test and bend test results I have just shown. In conclusion, I think Galaxy Note 4 has better durability than iPhone 6 Plus.  

So what are your thoughts, Geeknation?


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