Craziest wet market ever seen! Shop for your grocery here - at your own risk!

By | 10:24 pm Leave a Comment
At first it looked like a wet market in a slum area. Yes, it was sad to see poverty in poor cities. But I did not expect this.
These vegetable seller was setting up their stalls on a railroad. No, the railroad was not closed. Welcome to Maeklong Railway Market in Bangkok, Thailand. It is located in Samut Songkhram province, the smallest province in Thailand.

This is an exotic tourist attraction. Foreigners love to see the display of market groceries placed next to railroads. Watch closely as you witness an actual train passing by, as the seller clung into a pole.

To us, it was a disaster clinging onto pole to save our lives. To them? It was just another ordinary day.

In fact, there are so many areas with extreme poverty. People's life is as stake every second they risk their lives to earn for a living. This is just some of the very few worst case in this world.

Another scenario was these Indians from the slum areas hitching a ride on a train. Well, they are hitching a ride in the least expected manner. And they seemed to look rather....happy


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