Giant Poster scares the hell out of innocent bystanders!

By | 10:33 pm Leave a Comment
Curiousity killed the cat. This time curiosity scared the hell out of innocent people. This Swedish amusement park, Gröna Lund decided to design a creative giant poster to celebrate Halloween.

It was supposingly a blank white poster. And a simple QR code and a message shown at the bottom.
"Do You Dare To Look At Our New Attraction?"
As you were about to capture the QR code, be prepared to be pranked. It takes a lot of patience to hide inside the poster until 'victim' actually entertain the interesting poster.

Gröna Lund is one of the scariest amusement park in Stockholm. It does live up with it's reputation after this hateful yet exciting prank. Also you get to watch the back-end work of how the prank poster was done.

Whoops! Just watch out for funny life-sized posters around town this few days. Anyways, Happy Halloween!


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