Funniest faces of people captured in the scariest haunted house

By | 10:55 pm Leave a Comment
Haunted house is supposed to be scary. It made us freak out, jump off the floor and scream our lungs off. But picture yourself on the other side. I can't deny that it looked pretty funny to see people freak out.

Nightmare Fear Factory, claimed to be Canada's scariest haunted house captured all the lovely moments of people freaking out. After compiling all the photos, I have a look at it. It was extremely hilarious to watch. 

What's worst, we will be witnessing all the ridiculously action and move they made when they were freaked out! 

Photos credits are of Nightmare Fear Factory.

Men's best moment. Best when a girl hugged you so tight that you feel lucky more than scared.

We were so scared that we grabbed each other like a Ho Train.

This guy probably fainted right after this photo was taken.

Watch out, the man is going to puke at any second

Best candidate for Amityville Horror

That angry eyes could probably scare a ghost away

"Enough of the sick show, just get out of here." says the man crawling away by the wall

Man: "This is just too boring to watch, just leave.." Woman: "No, I am still screaming!"

He touches boobs when he freaks out

That's why we say you'll jump off the floor when you're scared


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