This chubby boy is actually Haley Joel Osment, the kid from Sixth Sense

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Haley Joel Osment has always been remembered as the cute little boy who played Cole in Sixth Sense (1999).

What used to be a cute little boy has gone bloated from head to toe. We managed to get a glimpse of him during his shooting for his latest movie, Yoga Hosers. He played a Nazi spiv that has a big tummy.
Haley has been missing for some time since his first spotlight. Well, we did not realize that his work was not mainly on the mainstream movies. He did quite a number of voice-over works over the years.

So what happened to him?

Kids tend to grow up and have their own life. And go through puberty and adulthood.
Our favourite young kid enjoyed his success as a kid. Then grew up driving his car. Got arrested for drunk driving at age of 18. Start to get chubby. Enjoyed his life doing menial work for living.

So perhaps we could have think of his life otherwise. Celebrities choose to live their own life somehow.


Dear Haley is not the only person who had went through dramatic physical change.

Here we have a photo of Keanu Reeves. Very much well-known for his lead role in Matrix Trilogy. Picture that was obviously taken during year 1999.
Next we have him spotted last year during the 66th Cannes Film Festival. All bloated, unshaven beard and uncut hair covered half of the face.
The gentleman that used to be a Hollywood heartthrob has been living a good life and nice food.


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