New trailer for Final Fantasy XV have so many jaw-dropping moments

By | 8:21 pm Leave a Comment
The release of Final Fantasy XV has just gotten all the fans crazy. FF frenzy and trend began to pick up.

Clip from Final Fantasy XV
After watching the first trailer for FF XV, I told myself that this is one of the best immersing realism in all FF franchise. Square Enix has done it again with the colourful graphics and presentation.

In the video, there were much more action and fighting. And for the first time in Final Fantasy history, we get to drive our players around. Pretty cool for a start. Guess the long wait was worth it.

Demo for FF XV will release March next year. Be sure to set it up on your reminder!


Let's pause for a moment and read another news on FF franchise.   We have identified some hint that FF XIII will be available on PC. This is when we have spotted Steam logo on Square Enix FF XIII page. Fanboys and fangirls will be delighted.
FF XIII will come in trilogy. The sequels will be named as Final Fantasy XIII-2 and also Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.  Perhaps this episode was so good that Square Enix decided to have sequels into it.

However making it as a trilogy could be rather confusing for first-timer. (Why do you have numbers, 'XIII' and still call it a trilogy?)

But who cares anyway, if it's so good, gamers just can't get enough of it after all!

[via PCgamer]


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