Guess who saved this poor kitten from a 4WD coil spring?

By | 11:40 pm Leave a Comment
We always hear about animal abuse by many around the world. Let's turn away from that.
We have a group of five tough guys doing all they could to save a cat's life. This man all he could to saved this poor animal from a coil spring of a Toyota Landcruiser.

At the end of video, we could see him hugging the kitten as close as he could.
"AWWWWW", says the pet lovers.
Who's our hero here? 
Apparently this driver, Vitaly Bouranin was driving along with his 4WD. Drove for over 50miles without realizing that this kitty was stuck in the coil spring together on the trip.
Thus, he did what he gotta do. And don't worry despite all that, the cat remain intact and in good condition.

But we still have a question here. How the heck did that cute lil' kitten get into a coil spring in the first place?!


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