Ahmed Angel, the most beautiful man on the planet (says the hardcore fans)

By | 10:43 pm Leave a Comment
Some of you probably have known this guy since his epic internet storm last year. Well, he is back again. Now and ever, with more new pictures of him. Calling himself, The Planet. Ahmed is now the Planet!

For those who did not know this guy. Ahmed Angel is an Iraq-born Belarusian model, a medicine student at school. He was 18 when he took the Internet by the storm.

Ahmed flew like a flock of bird
Ever since he started posting up pictures of himself online. His fans increased in numbers and they get ever frenzy and crazy about this beautiful man called, Ahmed Angel.

Nothing beats blue colour and beautiful garden!
Another unique side of him was his rather creative work of photoshop of his own picture. Whether it was edited with a moon, a sun, birds or planet. Fans just love him.

Ahmed beats the train!

Look at that shiny and glossy hair gel. Ahmed and Hair

More love for Ahmed's fan

The man and billboard

Coin is Ahmed, Ahmed is money.

Ahmed is Planet

Ahmed is not just a Planet. He is a Sun!
Either you love this guy or you hate him It's all up to you to debate. But no denying, this man already has plenty of fans around him.

[via kotaku]


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