7 Exotic Restaurant and Cafes around the world.

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As if we no longer enjoy our meal in a comfortable dining table and chair with waiters or bartenders. These people took it to the next level to create a rather.....exotic eating experience. Believe it or not it happens around the world as we know it!

Geeknation has came up with a rating for each of the exotic places to eat. Let's start with the first contender.

#7 Grumpy Cat has a home - Neko No Mise Cat Cafe
courtesy: vice.com
As you stepped inside the cafe, you don't see food first. It was full of cats. Some grumpy, some lazy and some tender ones probably rolled around your legs. Took place in Tokyo.

So you guessed it, probably Asian ladies walked inside will speak in high-pitched cutey voice, "soooo cutee....!!!"It started with the idea that most restaurants don't allow pets, so they pioneered their idea for a change.

#6 A Hideout for Mr Freeze and Iceman - Icebar
courtesy: icebarorlando.com
Bartenders served cocktails with ice in a bar FULL of ICE! Still can't get enough of snow and winter? Then head down to the icebar and be prepared to get rattled teeth and shivering arms.

Icebar has it's place in London, Orlando, New York and some other places around the world. The largest Icebar is in Orlando. Wonder how you are going to sit on the stool that seemed like a block of ice.

#5 More fluffy bunnies in a cafe- Ra.agf
courtesy: subtokyo.com
Japanese just love pets don't they? Not only they love cats, they have cafes filled with bunnies such as this in Ra.agf.

Bunny lovers will get to hug these cutey little bunnies while enjoying their meal. But they charged USD7  for 30minutes.  You also get to feed these bunnies with a fee.

Well, if you love to go to Japan and hug bunnies this is probably the place to go.Else, you could just buy a pet bunny for USD7 and hug them during dinner.

#4 Under the sea - Ithaa
courtesy: kitchentalks.com
Ithaa is a restaurant in Maldives. You get to enjoy your food with that under-the-sea experience. It was built 16 feet below the sea level.

As you are feasting yourself, you get to help your head up high as fishes and sea creatures swim above your head. They offered you a luxury cuisine with six-course meal of European fare. Bon appetit in the sea!

#3 Reach for the sky - Culiair Dining
courtesy: basballonvaart.nl
Tired of watching Superman fly, wish you could do the same? Well you can't fly. But you certainly can eat in the sky. In Netherlands, they have the one and only hot air balloon restaurant.

Enjoy your meal while you float in the sky watching clouds pass you by. How was the food cooked? Well chef find it resources full to use the hot air to 'burn' it well for you. But watch out, don't drop your fork from the sky!

#2 The long neck restaurant - The Giraffe Manor
courtesy: msn.com
If kittens and bunnies are too small for you, then try eatin in The Giraffe Manor, a luxury hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The name says it all. While you are eating your food, you can see giraffe strolling around the corner of your 'manor'.

It's easy for the giraffe to be fed. All they do is to poke their head by your window and you can feed them well. It is a 5-star forest for giraffe, instead of customers!

#1 Hulk smash, in a resto! - Disaster Cafe
courtesy: trendsnhealth.com
This is the Number 1 exotic restaurant in our Geeknation rating! Ok, this is probably not the most comfortable place to enjoy your dinner. But customers want some excitement with food experience. Hence, they drop by to the Disaster Cafe and have a feel of 7.8 earthquake while they dine.

From the outside it looks pretty decent, as you go into the restaurant, it is designed with a cave-like environment. Makes you feel that you are in Gollum's hideout eating fish.

Wanted to have a feel of earthquake and still be alive? Probably should try this place.


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